You must have promised with your click to only use
these texts for study and research. Thank you.
List of Artists and Songs: A to Z |
Caveat: This project is mine and mine only, songs
here are for use in classrooms, they are online to
save teachers time
by not having to retype songs that others have already transcribed.
Copyright Questions?
As they are for teaching, any hints as to how to use the songs would
be greatly appreciated by the maintainer and users of this site.
I have one page with all the artists and their songs listed. I have them all on one page to allow for easy browsing, and as it is text only, loading should be quick. To find any artist or song, use the find function of your browser. (If you use Netscape and the button does not show at the top of your screen, go to the Options menu with your mouse and pull it down, highlight Show Toolbar, and let go.) If a song is not listed, I don't have it, nor do I know how to get it other than going to sites on my Other Music Sites page. Please do not ask me to find a song for you.
If an artist has a page, it includes all their songs I have on my site, reviews, fan pages, and sites with more of their lyrics available as I run across them and as you send them to me. For some artists I have no songs, but I have found sites where you can get lyrics, and if you find any song from elsewhere useful, I would appreciate your telling me!
Site online since: May 15, 1996
Other lyric sites and online cd stores | German Music Database Homepage | General ideas for using songs in class | Artists and Songs list |
If you can't find something, try my Other
Music Sites, or
enter a phrase from the song you want, something without umlauts or ß.
Put quotes around it too to search for the exact phrase.